Wolwekraal Nature Reserve falls within the GCBR and we share their vision of people living in harmony with nature and earning their income through sustainable uses of natural resources. GCBR has funded a number of our conservation and research activities.

A government research organisation with whom WCRO collaborates through mentoring of students and sharing of data. There is a SAEON weather station on Wolwekraal.

Visits Wolwekraal Nature Reserve with student groups and over the years WCRO has hosted many 3rd year Nature Conservation students for their work experience year..

A plant nursery specialising in Karoo plants and seeds, and in promoting sustainable gardens and restoration. It is located on the southern end of the Nature Reserve.

Wolwekraal Nature Reserve, although privately owned, is a Cape Nature stewardship site, and we rely on Cape Nature for auditing our management plan. A CapeNature representative serves on our Exco.

Malcolm Searle
Malcolm Searle (Chair)

 After 30 years of working for listed Corporate companies as a business director, Malcolm can apply strategic planning & financial acumen experience to ensure the sustainability of WCRO. As a resident Prince Albert gardener as well as an enthusiastic nature lover he feels that he can offer hands-on operational assistance.

Hugh Forsyth
Hugh Forsyth (Vice Chair)

Grew up on a farm in the Cape where there was a large vlei teeming with water birds and fish surrounded by open fields where small mammals and stately Secretary Birds thrived. The wonders and delights of nature were ingrained in him from the start and he was born on St. Patrick’s Day. For these reasons, he is devoted to the green and the preserving thereof.

Theresa van der Westhuizen
Theresa van der Westhuizen (Cape Nature Representative)

Bertus Fourie
Bertus Fourie (Reserve manager)

Is passionate about karoo flora and conservation. By combining horticulture and conservation ideals and rehabilitation methods he hopes to make a positive contribution towards plant conservation through helping others appreciate their local fauna and flora and encouraging responsible and ecologically friendly land management at all scales from ranches to gardens. 

David Rissik
David Rissik (Security)

Is a lifelong conservationist, passionate about holistically securing threatened conservation areas – striving to allow Africa’s biodiversity to survive. He has many years of practical experience in successfully bridging the gap between science, western conservation ideals and Africa’s reality.

Ken Coetzee
Ken Coetzee (additional member)

Is a practical field ecologist who is passionate about veld rehabilitation and the restoration of damaged rangelands in Africa. He has a good working knowledge of Karoo ecology acquired during 25 years with CapeNature and 27 years running his own consulting business “Conservation Management Services”.

Sue Milton- Dean
Sue Milton-Dean (Secretary/Treasurer)

Is a plant ecologist and conservationist who has spent many years researching Karoo plants and animals with her husband Richard Dean. By sharing knowledge and excitement with interns, visitors and the local community she hopes to contribute to conservation and better management of Karoo ecosystems.

Our Objectives


We are committed to the long-term conservation of the flora, fauna and heritage of Wolwekraal Nature Reserve


Through research we learn more about the workings of Karoo natural ecosystems and how to care for them


Education is our most important investment. A younger generation with knowledge and passion will sustain our natural ecosystems 

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